However, this action was still unable to meet the public demand thoroughly because each of these organizations belonged to different jurisdictions. Therefore, in order to solve this problem of housing shortage, the government has established the National Housing Authority to directly serve the residential development as well as transferred some relevant duties and personnel to this organization. The National Housing Authority (NHA) is a state enterprise attached to the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. It was established on February 12, 1973 in compliance with the National Executive Decree No. 316. It currently operates under the National Housing Authority Act (B.E. 2537), with the objectives to provide housing for low and middle income earners, to provide financial assistance to those who need to have their own housing, to deal with the business of building construction and land acquisition, and to upgrade, demolish or relocate slums in order to assist people in achieving better living, social and economic conditions. - See more at:
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